Reliable Dioss eID Middleware integration with very short lead time.
DIOSS eID MIDDLEWARE IDENTITYDatassur is a cooperative society (CV), created at the initiative of insurance companies, and currently provides services to 45 companies that, represent approximately 90 % of the market in all insurance branches. Datassur manages databases, such as Car@ttest, for the affiliated insurers, which are strictly securing and centralizing the necessary information.
Car@ttest allows the policyholder to easily and at any time have access to the damage certificates relating to the last five years. The policyholder now has direct access to his damage certificate(s), which will enable him to provide the insurance company and the intermediary with the information required when concluding a BA motor vehicle insurance contract.
Car@ttest is consulted via the secure channel of the website www.carattest.be.
How it works
As a policyholder, you log in with your eID card – in combination with your personal PIN code – on the Car@ttest website and thus gain secure access to your personal insurance information. Based on your eID, Car@ttest collects your data and you can, for example, see which cars are linked to your person and you receive information about the bonus malus across all insurance companies.
Why choose Dioss Smart Solutions
- We analyze the problem and provide Datassur with the best option for Car@ttest.
- We supply the Dioss eID middleware that visitors to Car@ttest download and then install on their PC/laptop when they first use it, so that they can log in via their eID.
- We provide the JavaScript API that communicates with the installed middleware. The JavaScript runs within a web page and then asks the Dioss eID middleware to read the eID card.
- Finally, we provide them with an example page of how all this can look like on the website.
This way of working ensures a very short time to market as the full integration is completed in a few days.

© Car@ttest
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