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Quill is an intuitive eSigning solution that requires little time for onboarding new employees. Thanks to Quill, signing documents daily has become a habit


Testimonial Dioss Smart Solutions – Unizo


UNIZO, the largest entrepreneurs' organization in Flanders and Brussels, has 110,000 members, ranging from sole proprietorships to thriving SMEs. They represent the interests of entrepreneurs and provide them with advice, information, training, and networking events. For more information, you can visit

Since early 2023, UNIZO has been using our digital signing solution, Quill. After more than a year, they are happy to share their experiences.

Why did you choose Quill as a digital signing solution?

Lieven: "It was the most intuitive choice for us, and we had already heard positive experiences from other companies using Quill. During our discussions with Dioss Smart Solutions, it quickly became clear that they were very practical and easily accessible. The latter was decisive for us."

How has your experience been using Quill?

Lieven: "It is an incredibly handy tool. It is simple and intuitive to use, requiring little time for the onboarding of new employees. Even external parties receiving documents from us via Quill praise how much more convenient this is compared to our old paper-based method."

Where do you gain the most time savings with Quill?

Lieven: "The biggest time savings lie in the fact that previously, all processes were paper-based, often resulting in a search to find out who had signed what. Now, it has almost become a given to sign documents daily with just a few clicks. Additionally, we save significantly when external parties sign documents. Collaboration agreements, NDAs, or data processing agreements that used to take days or even weeks due to sending paper documents back and forth are now often completed on the same day."

What do you think of the service from Dioss Smart Solutions?

Lieven: "The service from Dioss Smart Solutions was one of the main reasons we chose Quill, and that choice has not disappointed us. It is a company that is easy to reach. If we have questions, we contact our direct point of contact who is easily reachable, and we receive quick and concise answers. Moreover, they listen to our suggestions on how to make it even more efficient."

Reach out to UNIZO via the website

How it works


The easy-to-use platform for approving, signing and sending documents

The Quill platform supports the use of Belgian eID cards, itsme® Sign, digital signatures, seals, SMS and email OTP and approvals.

Do you want to learn more about Quill - our eSigning solution?

Feel free to contact one of our experts without obligation


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