QA release date: 17/09/2024 - PROD release date: 01/10/2024

1 Introduction
This document provides information about the release of Quill v2.7 (September 2024). Quill v2.7 will be released to the QA environment on 17/09/2024 and to the production environment on 01/10/2024.
2 What’s new in this release?
We are excited to introduce several enhancements and new features in this release of Quill. Below, you'll find a comprehensive overview of the key updates.
2.1. Meta fields for signers
In addition to the fields required for identifying a signer (first name, last name, and email address), we have introduced meta fields. These fields consist of a title (key) and a corresponding value. They can be inputted manually within the platform or integrated via the API.
By incorporating meta fields, we offer a streamlined approach to document preparation. These fields can be seamlessly incorporated into documents, facilitating automatic population of signer-specific information. This advancement removes the necessity of generating customized documents for each individual signer.
2.2. Indicate all documents are read
To ensure clarity for end users regarding their acknowledgment of the content in the document, we've introduced a new configuration. This enables the addition of an explicit checkbox, indicating that all documents within a collection have been thoroughly reviewed prior to signing.
With this configuration enabled, signers are required to confirm their review of all documents by checking the designated checkbox. This enhancement ensures that signers cannot proceed with the signing process without confirming their understanding of the document contents.
2.3. Configurable Initials and signature options in signing view
The need to add initials and signature at the moment a document needs to be signed can be removed in the ‘sign documents’ menu. If a handwritten signature type is selected then this will of course still be available.
2.4. Upload of power of attorney in delegation flow
A copy is made when sending a document to a delegate and it has a power of attorney supporting file. The copy is kept in the document storage space, and is automatically cleaned when the document’s files are deleted. The copy is included in the evidence report zip.
We delete the config files if the company admin/user removes them from the Quill configuration. We do not take into account that they might have been referenced.
The configuration files are not subject to any automatic cleanup.
Note: for docs with approval only (no signings), no evidence report is generated (as designed), nor an approval of delegation is returned when trying to download any evidence for this approved doc.
2.5. Collections: Allow to sign/reject a single file in a dossier
Allow users to select specific files for signing or rejecting within a dossier. This allows a dossier to contain both signed and rejected documents.
➢ Enhance feedback in case of incorrect API input
We've encountered numerous errors without clear indications of their cause, making it challenging to investigate and identify the issue. At times, the API responds without a proper JSON object, returning only arbitrary content. Additionally, some server errors (500) occur when data is invalid. A more detailed indication of what is causing the root issue is now available.
➢ Keep document entries available
In previous versions of Quill, removing a document resulted in the removal of its entry from the document table. With our latest update, we've implemented a clear distinction between the document entry and the actual file. Now, when a document is removed (typically after 1 month), only the file itself is deleted, while the entry remains accessible longer.
By extending the availability of document entries, users retain access to vital information such as the action log. Additionally, for seamless integration experiences, users visiting the direct document link to Quill will still be redirected to your platform, ensuring continuity of access and functionality.
➢ itsme® frequent signer statistics changes
➢ OIDC v2 for itsme®
Quill has been updated to support OIDC v2, including the list of countries where itsme® is available, the accepted ID document types for activating an itsme® account, and the specific ID data collected during the process.
➢ Extended and updated webhook documentation
➢ Display a clear status after processing the documents for signing
➢ Provide users with immediate feedback when they attempt to click the Sign button without completing the required form inputs
➢ Specify mobile phone number (for SMS OTP) at user generation time
➢ Setting expiration duration for a document guest link
3 What’s planned for the next release?
We are committed to further enhancing Quill and have exciting features planned for the next release, scheduled for the start of the next quarter:
- Active directory integration for syncing of users
- Add new Connector: Azure storage
4 Resources
- Visit the Quill product page here.
- A list of frequently asked questions can be found here in English.
- The General Terms and Conditions for using this platform are listed here.
- The Privacy Statement is described here.
- The English user manual can be accessed here.
- The API documentation is available here.
- Check out the new Dioss Smart Solutions YouTube Channel
Several application notes describing typical scenarios are available here:
- How to add users and ensure they have the correct permissions
- How to configure the Quill platform to send emails from your own domain
- Proper handling of document retention
- Using redirect URLs and sequential signing
- Implementing webhooks effectively
- Steps to follow when implementing bulk signing in integrated scenarios (and the use of OpenID Connect)
- Steps to follow when implementing document collections in integrated scenarios
5 Contact
If you encounter issues, have feedback or questions about the Quill platform, please reach out to us at, or contact your sales representative directly.