QA release date: 14/10/2021 - PROD release date: 26/10/2021

This page contains information on the platform release of Quill v10.0.
Quill v10.0 will be released on the QA environment on 14/10/2021 and on the PROD environment on 26/10/2021.
Automatic data cleanup
In Quill v10 the documents will now be removed after a certain time period. There are two settings on company/folder level that need to be set correctly.
- day(s) after a completed document is deleted: by default 30 days and maximum 365 days
- day(s) after an inactive unfinished document is deleted: by default 90 days and maximum 365 days
This time period is counted versus the last modification of the status of the document (creation, signing or approval) action.
Quill v10 has a build-in grace period for the removal of documents to allow admin users to configure the setting according to their needs. The first time documents will be removed is 30 days after the release is done. Practically this means that admin users have 30 days to configure this setting correctly.
Inform other parties that a document is signed
It is now possible to send (email) a signed document to a list of persons after the document is signed. You can choose to send the signed documents to already existing users or entered email addresses.
Set up mandatory reason, comment and legal notice
The settings for the signing reason and comment can be set on a company level and a folder level. Instead of just enabling and disabling these settings, the admin can now specify whether the setting is mandatory or not. When the reason is set to mandatory, a reason can be pre-entered so that the end-user will be forced to entered this reason when signing a document. In this case, the reason serves as a legal notice and will also be visually depicted on the document.
- Extended configuration of guest user communication settings:
- Receive email for approval or sign requests
- Receive email for reminders
- Receive email when a document is approved or declined
- Receive email when documents are fully signed
- Receive email when a signature is placed on a document you sent out
- Receive email when a document is closed
- When a guest user is created, a flag is added to (dis)allow this guest user to become a registered user.
- When a sign request or an approval request is created for a guest user, a flag is added to disable user registration in this flow for this guest user. When it is set to false, the relevant UI-section on the top right is hidden.
- When a document created, two flags are added:
- to disable user registration in this flow for this document and this guest user. When it is set to false, the relevant UI-section on the top right is hidden.
- to disable the welcome header in this flow for this document and this guest user. When it is set to false, the relevant UI-section on the top right is hidden.
Please contact us to obtain the application note for more information on how to use the above mentioned features.
Please note that the API does not support the extended User Management and company settings yet.
- Extended configuration of user communication settings in the user profile.
- Send reminders for approval flows.
- Document reminders that are sent are now listed in the document action log and the evidence report.
- Company setting to (dis)allow guest users to become registered users.
Visit the Quill product page here.
A list of frequently asked questions can be found here.
The General Terms and Conditions using this platform are listed here.
The Privacy Statement is described here.
The following user manuals are available upon request:
- Dutch user manual v10: Quill v10 gebruikershandleiding NL.pdf
- French user manual v10: Quill v10 manuel de l'utilisateur FR.pdf
The API documentation is available upon request:
- API documentation: Quill v10 API v10.pdf
- API changes overview: Quill v10 API v10 changes.pdf
If you have issues, feedback or questions about the Quill platform, please contact us on or contact your sales representative directly.