QA release date: 17/02/2022 - PROD release date: 22/02/2022

This page contains information on the platform release of Quill v10.0.
Quill v11.0 will be released on the QA environment on 17/02/2022 and on the PROD environment on 22/02/2022.
Multi Sign
In Quill v11 you can send a document in bulk to multiple recipients, meaning that each recipient will receive a copy of the same document to be signed. This can be combined with a “regular” signing flow where first one or more signers are requested to sign a document, and then a copy of that document is sent to each recipient of the Multi Sign recipients list to sign their own copy. A typical use case for Multi Sign are addendums to employment contracts, for instance, these need to be signed by the CEO and then each employee needs to sign their copy of the addendum.
Post action distribution
Add option to include evidence report in addition to the signed document in the mail sent to the entered mail addresses. On a company level, enter email addresses to always send (mail) the signed documents and optionally evidence reports to.
- Multi Sign feature
- Extended User Management: CRUD operations for users, folders and user groups
- Request signature signee status in signing flow of document
- Prefill cell phone numbers with previously used numbers in wizard of SMS OTP signing flows
- Corrected signature field rotation for documents with 900 rotation parameter
Visit the Quill product page herehere.
A list of frequently asked questions can be found here.
The General Terms and Conditions using this platform are listed here.
The Privacy Statement is described here.
The following user manuals are available upon request:
- Dutch user manual v11: Quill v11 gebruikershandleiding NL.pdf
- French user manual v11: Quill v11 manuel de l'utilisateur FR.pdf
The API documentation is available upon request:
- API documentation: Quill v11 API v11.pdf
- API changes overview: Quill v11 API v11 changes.pdf
Several application notes describing typical scenarios are available upon request:
- Different steps to follow when implementing bulk signing in integrated scenarios (and the use of OpenIDConnect): TD_2109473_SDZ_APNote_Quill_GuestBulkSign_EN.pdf
- How to use redirectURLs & sequential signing:TD_2109474_SDZ_APNote_Quill_RedirectURL_EN.pdf
- How to let the Quill platform send emails from your own domain:TD_2111477_SDZ_APnote_Quill_Sending emails from specific domain_NL.pdf
- How to add users and make sure they have the correct permissions: TD_2201480_SDZ_APNote_Quill_Users_Folders_Permissions_EN.pdf
If you have issues, feedback or questions about the Quill platform, please contact us on, or contact your sales representative directly.