QA Pre-release date: 03/01/2023 - QA release date: 10/01/2023 - PROD release date: 24/01/2023

This document contains information on the platform release of Quill v2.0 (January 2023). Quill v2.0 is released on the QA environment on 10/01/2023 and on the production environment on 24/01/2023. In 2023, we aim to gain a lot of new features, spread over several new releases.
Attention : it is rather exceptional but we will do a Pre-release on QA on the 3th of January to do some signing tests. During this time you may encounter some issues in QA while signing with itsme®. We finish our testing at the latest the 9th of January.
What's new in this release?
A fresh back end for Quill v2.0
The Quill v2.0 release is a release with a broad technical focus. In order to ensure a future-proof application, Dioss Smart Solutions implemented a thorough optimalization in the technical back end of the application. The “renovation” of the back-end code will offer us and our customers guarantees to deliver a well-performing Quill platform that is adapted to the needs of a cutting-edge digital eSigning platform.
A new user interface
A lean back end goes well together with a neat front end. Quill v2.0 will catch the eye with a fresh look. As an extra, we simplified some menus and did some structural optimizations to improve the customer journey in the application.
Hello mobile
Quill v2.0 delivers you a responsive web design so you can read and/or sign your document on your mobile device whenever you want, wherever you want.
Signature placeholders in documents
In v2.0, it is possible - via the API - to specify a placeholder based on a certain keyword in a document instead of specific X and Y coordinates. From now on you can define a specific - but dynamic - location that will adapt to the structure of your document.
- Do you receive many documents you don’t want to sign? Now you can decline in bulk! Choose the documents you don’t want to sign, provide a reason and decline all selected documents.
- Quill v2.0 supports doc and docx file format and while uploading them as a doc(x) file the Quill platform will convert the document automatically into PDF.
- Enriched document editor : we added some new features : e.g. a more smooth way to add (new) signers, the possibility to define a signing method for all signers at once, change some settings in the document-editor-menu.
- Bulk signing using SMS OTP: you can now sign more than one document after you authenticated yourself by using your mobile phone number by sending a one-time-code.
- Different legal notices on different types of documents : Quill offers now a legal notice on document level.
- When a user has the permission to manage users, they can convert a guest user to a registered user. Please note that this is only possible when this user is not a guest user of another company that uses the Quill platform, this restriction will be tackled in one of the following releases.
- Your company logo is no clearly visible on the top of each page.
- In the approval flow, you can now assign a group of approvers (signer group) instead of one approver at a time.
- More clear indication when a user is set out-of-office.
What else will 2023 bring?
- Bulk signing using itsme®
- Full SSO functionality
- Improved workflows and templating
- Support for initials on each page
- Support for multiple signatures in different capacities
- Updating signing and approvals flows
- Forwarding a signing request
- And more...
Visit the Quill product page here.
A list of frequently asked questions can be found here.
The General Terms and Conditions using this platform are listed here.
The Privacy Statement is described here.
The following user manuals are available upon request:
- Dutch user manual v2.0
- French user manual v2.0
- The API documentation for v2.0
Several application notes describing typical scenarios are available upon request:
- How to add users and make sure they have the correct permissions
- How to let the Quill platform send emails from your own domain
- How to correctly handle the retention of documents
- Different steps to follow when implementing bulk signing in integrated scenarios (and the use of OpenID Connect)
- Different steps to follow when implementing document collections in integrated scenarios
- How to use redirect URLs & sequential signing
If you have issues, feedback or questions about the Quill platform, please contact us on, or contact your sales representative directly.