QA release date: 25/05/2021 - PROD release date: 01/06/2021

This page contains information on the platform release of Quill 9.0.
Quill 9.0 will be released on the QA environment on 25/05/2021 and the PROD environment will be released on 01/06/2021.
Decline to sign a document
In Quill v9.0 a new feature is introduced to decline to sign a document.
When a signer declines to sign a document, (s)he needs to enter a reason to decline to sign. This reason is communicated to the document owner. The signing flow is as follows:
- In case of a serial signing flow and one signer declines to sign the document: the signing flow is stopped.
- In case of a parallel signing flow and one signer declines to sign the document: the signing flow continues.
The state of the document is the following:
- In case of a serial signing flow and one signer declines to sign the document: state of the document becomes ‘DECLINED’.
- In case of a parallel signing flow and all signers decline to sign the document: state of the document becomes ‘DECLINED’.
- In case of a parallel signing flow and one or more signers (but not all) decline to sign the document: state of the document becomes SIGNED_WITH_DECLINATION’.
In all cases a evidence report is generated once the signing flows stops.
Bulk upload
In Quill v9.0 a new feature is introduced to upload more than one document to sign. The uploaded documents are assigned the ‘IN PREPARATION’ status.
Download documents
If the user who wants to download the documents has the right permissions, it is now possible to:
- Bulk download: download more than one document (and its related evidence reports) in a zip file.
- Download zip file with document and evidence report.
- Added method to download documents and evidence reports in bulk.
Please note that the API does not support the extended User Management and company settings yet.
- Bulk delete: when you remove more than one document, only one email will be send with a list of the document names that are deleted instead of one email per document.
Visit the Quill product page here.
A list of frequently asked questions can be found here.
The General Terms and Conditions using this platform are listed here.
The Privacy Statement is described here.
The following user manuals are available upon request:
- Dutch user manual v9: Quill v9 gebruikershandleiding NL.pdf
- French user manual v9: Quill v9 manuel de l'utilisateur FR.pdf
The API documentation is available upon request:
- API documentation: Quill v9 API v1.9.pdf
- API changes overview: Quill v9 API v1.9 changes.pdf
If you have issues, feedback or questions about the Quill platform, please contact us on or contact your sales representative directly.