QA release date: 29/07/2021 - PROD release date: 31/08/2021

This page contains information on the platform release of Quill 9.4.
Quill 9.4 will be released on the QA environment on 29/07/2021 and on the PROD environment on 31/08/2021.
Please note that this release will coincide with some critical maintenance activities, rolling out patches & software updates of some internal components for sustaining the security, availability, and performance of the Quill platform. As a consequence, the availability of the Quill platform will be interrupted, we expect to be back up and running within two hours. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Approval flows
Initiating an approval flow
Before starting a signing flow of a document, the content of the document can now be approved by assigned approvers. When approving a document, its content is sealed and a timestamp is added. In this release, it is possible to initiate this approval flow according to certain entered parameters:
- Initiate serial or parallel approval flows.
- Indicate ‘required approvers’ in parallel approval flows.
- Enter a number of approvers that need to decide (approve or decline) on the content of the document.
- Enter a number of approvers that need to approve the document.
These parameters enable a plethora of different use cases. Some examples can be found below.
The approval flow is as follows:
- In case of a serial approval flow, all approvers are inherently required. When one approver declines to approve the document, the approval flow is stopped.
- In case of a parallel signing flow, the flow depends on the set parameters.
The state of the document is the following:
- In case of a serial approval flow and one approver declines to approve the document: state of the document becomes ‘Not approved’.
- When the approval flow is stopped, the status of the document is set to ‘Not approved’.
- When the approval flow has ended, and all approvals according to the set parameters are done, the status of the document is set to ‘Approved’.
In all cases an evidence report is generated once the approval/signing flow stops.
- Use case where certain approvers are required to check the content of the document (approve or disapprove) before it can be signed, these approvers should be set to ‘required approver’. Only when all required approvers have (dis)approved the content of the document, the flow can continue.
- Use case where one person of a group of people can decide on the content of a document: for instance, when someone from the Legal department needs to approve the content, but it does not matter who actually approves the document, configure the persons of the Legal department as ‘not required’ approvers and enter the number of approvers that need to decide on the content of the document to 1.
- Use case where a majority of the approvers need to approve the document: for instance, configure 5 approvers as ‘not required’ and set the number of approvers that need to approve the document to 3. Once three approvers have approved the document, the state of the document becomes ‘Approved’ and the flow will continue. However, when three approvers have disapproved the document, the flow is stopped and the state of the document becomes ‘Not approved’.
(dis)Approving a document in the Approve tab
As an approver, navigate to the newly added Approve tab for an overview of the documents to be approved and an overview of all documents previously approved or disapproved. When approving a document, its content is sealed and a timestamp is added.
It is now possible to:
- Disapprove a document: when an approver declines to approve a document, (s)he needs to enter a reason to decline to approve. This reason is communicated to the document owner and is recorded in the action log.
- (dis)Approve documents in bulk.
itsme® Sign
As a signer of a document, you now have the choice whether you would like to link your itsme® userID to your account or not. You can choose the option “Remember me” when no linkage is done before. At any point later on, you can choose to “Forget me” in either a signing session or and you can undo the linkage in your personal account settings.
Send emails from authenticated domains
To enhance the user experience and the ability to reply to emails sent from the Quill platform, it is possible to configure different fields in the emails sent. In the email tab of your company’s settings, the ‘From’, ‘Sender’ and ‘Reply to’ fields can be configured.
- The ‘don't use’ option disables the email header field if possible.
- The ‘Quill default’ option uses an application default, which is the initiator’s email address when available.
- The ‘custom address’ option uses a given email address and name for the given header field whenever possible.
- The ‘user address’ option uses the email address and name of a user triggering an action when possible. For the option ‘user address’ you can also input a custom company email address and name to use as a default for actions that are not directly triggered by a user.
Please note that an email address might not be used if its domain is not whitelisted for our provider. Contact us on or contact your sales representative directly for more information on how to proceed to whitelist your domain.
Support new Belgian eID cards
Newly issued Belgian eID cards use elliptical curve encryption (applet version 1.8). In this release, support for authentication and signing using this new eID card is included.
- Support for initiating approval flows and requesting (dis)approved documents.
- Support for templates:
Please note that the API does not support the extended User Management and company settings yet.
- Consent: checkbox to agree to General Terms and Conditions at first login.
- When a document is closed by a document administrator, an evidence report is generated.
- Support for CCID card readers.
- Scheduled maintenance to upgrade some critical internal components.
Visit the Quill product page here.
A list of frequently asked questions can be found here.
The General Terms and Conditions using this platform are listed here.
The Privacy Statement is described here.
The following user manuals are available upon request:
- Dutch user manual v9: Quill v9 gebruikershandleiding NL.pdf
- French user manual v9: Quill v9 manuel de l'utilisateur FR.pdf
The API documentation is available upon request:
- API documentation: Quill v9 API v1.9.4.pdf
- API changes overview: Quill v9 API v1.9.4 changes.pdf
If you have issues, feedback or questions about the Quill platform, please contact us on or contact your sales representative directly.